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Our "Listing Presentation" toolkit provides you with proven steps you need to be prepared for your next sales pitch.

Following these steps, you also catch an excellent opportunity to help establish your credibility and build loyalty with sellers/ buyers right before they found you more capable than other agents.

On Every


Way To Get 


I love it!

How can I do this?

You have to focus on building trust. When the prospective client trusts you with their biggest investment, then you have a deal, exactly what you want the most — The close with a nice transaction.

Oops! Wait .....

Just not enough. Your prospector today may also do like a professional, 55% of prospectors have interviewed two or three agents before making the decision, of course before you got them. So how do you get chosen among the sea of other agents?
You have your listings and fill up for sure pre-listing perfectly. Next step you knock on the door/ take a call and straight forward to your attractive offer — The highest listing price and asking for the lowest commission.

..... In your mind
"This is my first impression make deals"


Overwhelming when you try to plan a worthwhile listing presentation? 
A serious concern about how to aim and capture a particularly positive impression?
Unclear about how to align the way you discuss price with your unique property? Really don't want to make it overdoing or sounded rude at all
Lost when selecting best-fit time points, and other key elements to reach my CMA with overall expectations? 
Little to no confidence behind the lens even when I'm actually not new?

Access NOW for ONLY $40


With Listing Presentation Toolkit, you’ll have everything you need to:

Fully prepared to get an edge on your presentation

Stay on the cutting edge of real estate with our highly personalized materials for various purposes

Make your listing presentation shine

Never have to memorize scripts as you know exactly what to do with our portable worksheets

Build client relationships that last after the presentation

Find actionable ways to improve client satisfaction and build mutually-beneficial partnerships

Get every listing and dominate your market

Our new and very 'untraditional' approach will get you on the fast lane to the results you've always wanted!

Make your dream presentation dreams a reality!

Composing with self-confidence as you make your essential points together in a sound.

Stand out from your competitors
And approach clients' needs

You desire imagery so fascinating that it evokes stream of undeniable emotion and captivates your potential clients.
You desire imagery so fascinating that it evokes stream of undeniable emotion and captivates your potential clients.


 You can easily achieve this by taking advantage of our content stream with
Step-by-step selling process guide

The ultimate listing presentation templates

Powerful testimonial examples

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use this even if I’ve never gone to a listing presentation before?

I am not familiar with templates, will this work for me?

What can I do with the templates?

I’ve been in the market for years, is there anything new?

Yes! Listing Presentation Toolkit will provide you with everything you need to know to be fully prepared for a listing presentation, regardless of your level of experience. We walk you through the entire process, from the pre-listing prep to presenting your listing and everything after the appointment.

Luckily, we’ve included video tutorials on using Canva tips. Everything is explained in detail straightforwardly. You don’t have to worry because the listing presentation templates are very easy to customize.

Besides saving time and not having to reinvent the wheel every time you create a piece of marketing content for your listing, our pre-made templates provide you with a repeatable, scalable structure to quickly create on-brand content.

As time changes, you will definitely benefit from Listing Presentation Toolkit if you are looking for a more effective presentation, want to update yours, or want to be more efficient.

Exclusive Listing Resources Content Stream for Agents

Wait for it… we also have

Make full use of ready-to-use materials to have the best chance at earning the business with

Pre-appointment prep worksheets

Entire process worksheets

Price the property worksheets

Negotiating tactics that work

Yes, I need this!

Ready to get the Listing Presentation Toolkit?

You’ll want to grab it with both hands
When you click the button, you’ll be brought to a checkout page where you’ll fill in your details for purchase.

Once your payment is processed, you’ll instantly get access to everything insides of Listing Presentation Toolkit.

One time payment of


$ 40

Listing Presentation Toolkit bumps up soon!


   Access NOW and get your
FEELING OF CONFIDENT on every listing presentation

As we mentioned before, we’re giving away $... of value for only $, that’s why this deal may be gone the next time you see it.

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Belligham, Washington


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